The impact of display stands on consumer purchasing attitude

In the world of retail, displays play a crucial role in influencing consumer purchasing behavior, which is why manufacturers understand the importance of this powerful marketing tool to market their products.

These elements not only serve to showcase products, but also affect purchasing decisions and brand perception. But what reactions do displays provoke in consumers and how do they influence their minds?


A display stand is a structure designed to show and market products in an attractive and accessible manner in a commercial environment. It stands out above all other furniture in a commercial space due to its ability to attract customer attention, organize products effectively and reinforce brand identity. For these reasons, the display is an essential commercial tool.

1. Attention capture

Well-designed displays immediately capture the consumer’s attention. Through the use of vibrant colors, proper lighting, and strategic placements, displays can stand out from the crowd. This attention-grabbing is the first step in attracting a potential buyer to the product.

Additionally, the height and design of the display can influence product visibility. A display placed at eye level is more likely to be noticed. Interactive elements, such as digital displays or product demonstrations, can also be effective in capturing attention.

2. Generating Interest

Once attention has been captured, the next goal is to generate interest. Displays should be attractive and functional, showcasing the product in a way that highlights its features and benefits. Using clear graphics, concise messages, and product samples can increase consumer interest.

Product placement on the display is also crucial. For example, best-selling or new products should be in prominent locations. Design elements such as the use of high-quality materials and elegant finishes can convey a positive image of the product.

3. Evolution towards desire

Initial interest can evolve into desire if the display manages to connect emotionally with the consumer. This can be achieved by including visual elements that evoke positive emotions or associate the product with a desired lifestyle. Displays that tell stories or show the product in use can be particularly effective.

Sensory marketing strategies, such as the use of fragrances or music, can complement the display design and increase product desire. Additionally, customer testimonials and featured reviews can positively influence consumer perception.

4. Trigger for the purchase decision

Displays also play a role in the final phase of the purchasing decision. By providing clear and accessible information about the product, such as pricing, benefits and comparisons with similar products, displays help consumers make informed decisions. The availability of samples to try and ease of access to the product are also key factors.

Organisation and clarity in the presentation of information are key. Consumers value transparency and ease of access to relevant data. Including QR codes or links to web pages with detailed information can be helpful for those who want to do more research before making a decision.

5. Reinforcement of the brand experience

In addition to influencing immediate purchase, displays reinforce the brand experience. A well-designed display reflects the brand identity and can strengthen customer loyalty. Elements such as the logo, brand colors, and tone of messaging should be aligned with the brand image to create a cohesive experience.

A display stand that tells a brand story or showcases product evolution can create a deeper emotional connection with consumers. Brands can use this opportunity to communicate their values ​​and mission, thereby strengthening the relationship with the customer.

6. Psychology of purchasing behavior

From a psychological perspective, displays affect consumer behavior through several mechanisms. Cognitive dissonance theory, for example, suggests that consumers seek consistency in their purchasing decisions. A display that presents the product in a clear and attractive manner reduces uncertainty and facilitates the decision.

Persuasion theory also plays a role here. Displays that use principles such as reciprocity (offering something for free) or scarcity (limited edition products) can increase urgency and motivation to buy.

7. Increase in impulse sales

Strategically placed displays near cash registers or in high-traffic areas can increase impulse sales. These displays often contain lower-priced products that don't require a lot of deliberation, encouraging consumers to make additional, unplanned purchases.

Placing displays with seasonal or trending products can also prompt impulse purchases. Consumers may be attracted by novelty or limited opportunity, prompting immediate action.

8. Case studies and practical examples

To illustrate these points, we can look at case studies of brands that have used displays effectively. For example, supermarkets use displays to highlight promotional products, while technology stores use them to showcase the innovative features of new devices.

In the fashion sector, boutiques often use themed displays stands that change with the seasons, creating a fresh and engaging shopping experience. In the electronics industry, interactive displays that allow customers to try out gadgets before buying them have proven to be very effective.

Ultimately, displays stands are a powerful tool in the visual marketing arsenal. Their ability to capture attention, generate interest, spark desire and facilitate the purchase decision makes them essential elements in the point of sale. By understanding how displays affect the consumer’s mind and behavior, brands can design more effective strategies to increase their sales and strengthen customer loyalty.

At Manufacturas Metalúrgicas RSL, we understand the importance of displays as essential commercial tools to influence the purchasing attitude of consumers. We offer a comprehensive service that ranges from advice and design to manufacturing and planning the implementation of displays.

Our personalized and professional approach ensures that each display not only stands out from the rest of the furniture on a retail floor, but also captures attention, generates interest and effectively reinforces the brand experience. With our experience and dedication, we help brands maximize their impact at the point of sale and achieve greater success in their visual marketing strategies.

CONTACT us and we will get to work on your new and successful project.
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